Once again, I am up late unable to sleep. This time because I thought there was a burglar in the house. It turns out that a pin board I had stuck to the wall earlier in the day had fallen down...!
I feel as though I must apologise. As I have mentioned before, I do not feel as though I have made this blog what I had hoped it would be: A thorough, no holds barred, documentary of life pre and post liver transplant. The whole experience affected me differently to how I expected and challenged me in a way I could not have predicted - which was partly the point of writing the blog - to show others how mentally and physically draining waiting for and recovering from transplant can be.
So much has happened since I began my blogging journey. Last week I was very much reminded of this... As I crept out of the house with Caius in the early hours of the morning, I took a quick glance at Facebook. At the top of the page was a 'on this day last year' picture. It was of me waiting for the ambulance to arrive to take me to London for my first potential transplant. I had my silver and black holdall packed and ready to go. This year, the same bag was packed and ready to go but this time, it was heading to London and beyond as Caius and I left for a getaway to Kefalonia, something that had been completely out of the question the year before.
Since recovery, there has been so much that I have wanted to write about but haven't. I was too exhausted, in too much pain and then, as recovery progressed, I was too busy.
I am now back at work 3 days a week and am also volunteering with both a toy library and the children's hospital playroom. I'm hoping to improve my fitness and get back into sailing and am also planning my wedding. Then there's Coco pup to be walked and time to spend with my Caius and the rest of my family and friends who have supported me through the difficult times when being sociable was too much hard work to even think about. Lately, I have been feeling guilty for neglecting blogging. I feel bad for not being there through the blog for those who might be about to go through the transplant process or for not writing so that those supporting transplant patients can read and have an inkling of what their partner, son, daughter or friend is going through. However, on October 29th 2015, I was given a second chance to live my life to the full. It is my responsibility to myself, to my donor and to the family of my donor to live that life to the absolute max. Right now, there is so much out there in the real world for me to experience, take part in and achieve that I have to get out there and do it.
I would like to thank everyone again for all of the love, kind words and incredible support that I have had since the very start of my journey back in 1999. To those who have found comfort or support in this blog, I hope that you can read back over past posts and continue to find help and comfort. If you wish to get in touch, I am now an advocate for Life Life, Give Life and you can find me here on their website!
And so it is that I say farewell and as always
Keep Smiling :)
Showing off that cracking scar! |
Climbing mountains with my love |
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Celebrating my birthday in style! |