Tomorrow, I go back to work!!!
I am equally excited and terrified all at the same time.
Excited because I will be able to be around people in a more social environment, in a place where I can interact with others and have conversations with a variety of people rather than the select few who have been around during my time off.
I'm also excited to know that, even though it is going to be a slow start, I will once more be contributing to the household. I will have some kind of purpose and will have a reason to get up and get myself ready in the morning.
I'm terrified for some very silly reasons. I have not been on a bus in probably 9 months. I've had times where I've found crowds and small spaces really overwhelming and a bus at rush hour is just that. And it's summer, so it'll be a hot, overcrowded, noisy place. And how much does the bus even cost now?!! Ahhh! (I really should have done a trial run...)
A second terrifying prospect is that there have been a number of changes at the office since I left and I actually have no idea where I fit into the business now. Thankfully, I know that I am much more capable of working. My energy levels are much improved and my brain functions a whole lot better now that I have a working liver that is getting rid of all of the toxins. I'm also pretty much pain free thanks to the pre-gabalin so no longer take sleep inducing, brain muddling high strength codeine every few hours!
At the end of the day, getting back to work is another challenge to take on and I will go with all of the gusto I now have :)
Keep Smiling :)
From this... |
To this! Thank you again to the wonderful person who donated and their family who agreed for the donation to go ahead |
I have really enjoyed reading your blogs throughout your incredible journey, I did see you at the conference in May and both my mum and I thought you looked amazing, wishing you all the luck on your return to work xxx