There had been one rather heavy weight on my shoulders for a few weeks that has finally been lifted.
This needs a bit of back information...
Back in January 2014, I came back from holiday and home to a letter that told me I had abnormal smear teast results. Further investigations were carried out and 'severe dyskaryosis' was diagnosed- basically, there were some abnormal cells in the cervix and these would need to be removed. In March 2015, I had a LETTS procedure to remove the cells which is usually a fairly standard procedure but of course, my body has to make these things a little bit more complicated. Instead of being a standard day case, I had to go as an inpatient and have platelet transfusions and so on to reduce the risk of bleeding. I then had to have a week of work completely resting which I managed quite well for me.
Once the procedure had been carried out, a repeat smear was done and there were still some small signs of abnormal cells. Luckily this is fairly normal and no further surgery was required, just regular check ups and smears. This is easier said than done and despite being quite clearly written on my notes that I needed to be seen in 6 months, I had to really push to get this done to the point where I had to get the patient and liaison service involved. Everything cleared up and I stopped worrying.
A few days after my false alarm transplant call, I started to get some spotting. I have the Nexplanon implant fitted and whilst spotting can be linked to this, it is usually during the beginning or end of its 3 year duration that this happens and having had two before with no problems, this caused me to worry. When it had been going on for just over 3 weeks, I told the liver nurses and they agreed it should be followed up by the gynaecological team. It was only a day or so later that it s back in hospital and it was discovered that my platelet count had dropped further. This, combined with the infection could have been a cause of the bleeding and so it was suggested that I waited a bit longer to see if it stopped. It was still going a week after being released from hospital and we were once again in the process of contacting the gynae team when I was admitted again.
Usually, I'm not one for googling symptoms but of course this time I had. That had got me massively panicked and given my 'abnormal cell' history and the fact that I'm immuno-suppressed, I was fearing the worst.
Yesterday, I was booked an appointment at St. Michael's hospital for and internal ultrasound (not pleasant) to establish if the spotting was being caused by anything sinister. After a rather traumatic, anxiety inducing transfer from one hospital to another (you'd think it would be straight forward with them being almost next door to one another), the scans and investigations were complete and I was assured that everything was normal. The relief was completely overwhelming. Finally something that no longer needs to be lingering at the back of my mind each day.
The to-ing, fro-ing and running late had got me into a right old pickle though and by the time I got back I was completely drained. I arrived back at my bed at just after 4pm. My appointment had been scheduled for 1pm and I was due back at my bed at 2pm for my antibiotics. I hadn't had a proper lunch and so I was not in a good state. As I got back, the nurse told me that I had another scan booked for 4:30 and needed to have a full bladder. At which point the empty water jug was removed from my table but not replaced! By almost 5pm there was no sign of any porter to take me to this appointment and Mum and Dad, who had been with me throughout the ordeal of a day, had to make a move as they were supposed to be enjoying a short break. Just after they left, I asked what was going on and was told that the scan that had been booked was the same as the one I had just been for at St Michaels and had been cancelled. This is exactly what Dad had expected. Caius turned up shortly afterwards and the poor boy got me in a rather difficult mood. Once I'd had a hug and a good cry, I calmed down. He went and got me some decent food which I managed to get done me before the lovely Beth turned up.
There is something about Beth that is so vibrant and happy, there's no way to be miserable near her. We had a fantastic chat and I should think most people were wondering what I was doing in hospital at that point- I think everyone needs a Beth to visit them in these places! Caius came back and gave me some super lovely slipper socks with cute penguins on- they are adorable and just what I needed as my others are worn through! Beth stayed until the last minute and left me feeling so much better than I had been the rest of the day.
I really am so very grateful to have such fantastic people around me support me however they can- I love you all and appreciate every kind word and message from each and every one of my friends. Thank you a million times over!
Keep Smiling :-)
I really am so very grateful to have such fantastic people around me support me however they
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